Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Office of the Ohio Legislative Inspector General


Expenditure Reminders

As the May – August reporting deadline fast approaches JLEC has a few reminders when reporting expenditures:

  1. All recipients of itemized expenditures (the individual’s name is reported) must receive a non-disputed notice at least ten days prior to the corresponding lobbying report being filed. You may access a model non-disputed notice form HERE.
  2. A gift valued at $25.00 or less is not a reportable lobbying expenditure. However, a recipient may not reimburse a portion of the cost of the gift to get under the $25 reporting threshold.  Once the value of the gift reaches $25.01, a recipient must reimburse the total value of the gift or the portion not reimbursed (no matter how small) is a reportable lobbying expenditure.
  3. JLEC maintains a list of legislative reportable staff members on our website.

Information regarding expenditure reporting (and more) is available in the Ohio Lobbying Handbook!